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Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults (R.C.I.A)

The Rite for Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process through which interested adults are gradually introduced to the Roman Catholic faith and way of life.  These adults include those who have never been baptized, those that may have been validly baptized in other Christian faith traditions but want to come into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and others who may have been baptized in the Catholic Church as children but for some reason have never been properly catechized. The RCIA is a communal process and involves a number of stages punctuated by liturgical rites to  assist the potential convert or candidate toward the rites of initiation usually celebrated at the Easter Vigil at which time they will become full members of the Roman Catholic Church. The entire process takes several months, although participants are generally invited to proceed at a pace which suits them individually.  Children who were not baptized as infants but have reach  catechetical age are also initiated through an adapted process of this rite, sometimes referred to as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Children.

The RCIA process is divided into distinct periods or stages designed to help catechumens (unbaptized) and candidates (formerly baptized but uncatechized) prepare for the Easter sacraments.  These periods are as follows:

  1. Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate.  This is also known as the Period of Inquiry.  Inquirers are given basic information about the catholic faith.  Here the church offers an invitation to initial conversion. There is no obligation involved in attending these meetings as they are intended to help a person decide whether he or she wants to continue learning about the faith. Attendees at this stage are known as Inquirers.  Those desiring to continue with their journey are welcomed by the community in the Rite of Acceptance.

  2. Period of the Catechumenate.  During this time the catechumens and candidates receive instructions on the Catholic faith and are assisted to learn about Jesus by studying and reflecting on Sacred Scriptures.

  3. Period of Purification and Enlightenment.  This period tends to correspond with Lent  and is intended for catechumens and candidates to increase introspection of their lives and come closer to God, eliminating what is weak and sinful and affirming what is holy.  Usually during the first week of Lent, the local Bishop celebrates the Rite of Election  during which time the catechumens become elects, and the Bishop calls all elects and candidates to continuing conversion.  During this period the elects and candidates also undertake a number of rites including several scrutinies and presentations.  This period culminates in the celebration of the sacraments of initiation  (baptism, confirmation and eucharist) at the Easter Vigil.

  4. Period of Post-Baptismal Catechesis or Mystagogy. This is a fifty day period which lasts from Easter Sunday until Pentecost Sunday.  The conclusion of the Mystagogy period marks the end of initiation process. Now the neophytes enter into a lifelong process of Christian formation along with the rest of the faithful.



Adult Faith Formation, Sunday: 10 AM

We offer an opportunity to come together to learn more about the faith. If you are:

  • Interested to become a Catholic;

  • A child over the age of seven who has not been baptized;

  • Baptized Catholic over the age of 18, but have not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist; or

  • Baptized in another denomination not recognized by the Catholic Church

Then, you are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights, and your faith story in a warm, accepting setting. Sessions focus on the teachings and experiences of the Catholic Faith. Sacraments will be received during the Easter season. There are SEPARATE SESSIONS for children, youth or adults.

For more information, Please contact:

Pilar Ignacio, Catechetical Ministry Director at (619) 500-MARY (6279) or email:


 We believe that everyone has the capacity to find faith and spirituality in their lives. Our church offers a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds to explore their faith and build a deeper connection with God. Whether you're a lifelong Catholic or just beginning your spiritual journey, we invite you to come and discover the power of faith in your life.


+1 (619)-474-1501


426 E. 7TH ST. NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950


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