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REPORTING ABUSE - St. Mary's Catholic Church and the Diocese of San Diego are committed to fostering a safe environment for all our children.


Any complaints about sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or by a parish or Catholic school employee or volunteer should be made by contacting Lisa Petronis, (858) 490-8353. or visit

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The theme for the 2022 Annual Catholic Appeal is “Living Our Mission.” This theme is one of compassion, hope, and love. As disciples we are called to trust in Jesus’ mercy, to trust in his patience, to seek refuge always in his love. Jesus invites us to recognize him in the poor, in those who suffer, and those in need. We encounter God’s love when we express mercy and compassion, through stewardship, service, and sacrifice. The Annual Catholic Appeal supports those who attend Catholic school, formation of new priests and care for our retired priests, evangelization and accompaniment of Young Adults, and the consoling presence of Christ for those imprisoned.

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The diocese will present a step-by-step explanation of the meaning of the ritual actions of the Mass.

Though participating in live-streamed Masses provided a lifeline for many throughout the pandemic, it is not a substitute for the in-person encounter with the real presence of Christ. Why do we leave the comfort of our homes to gather as the people of God each Sunday? What does the physical and spiritual encounter offer me and ask of me?

The “teaching Masses” help to answer those questions by explaining the rich history and meaning of the ritual actions we share in the celebration of the Eucharist. The actions will be explained briefly within the framework of a meal, where the faithful gather, tell stories, share nourishment, and are sent renewed into the world.

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 We believe that everyone has the capacity to find faith and spirituality in their lives. Our church offers a welcoming and inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds to explore their faith and build a deeper connection with God. Whether you're a lifelong Catholic or just beginning your spiritual journey, we invite you to come and discover the power of faith in your life.


+1 (619)-474-1501


426 E. 7TH ST. NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950


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